Электронные самоделки

55,00 $

Just a few parts are needed to make a radio, home telephone, amplifier for listening to records, or an electronic game. This book is dedicated to the creation of such structures. It is designed for children who love to make things, but do not yet know the basics of electricity and radio engineering.

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Электронные самоделки

Всего несколько деталей понадобится, чтобы изготовить радиоприемник, домашний телефон, усилитель для прослушивания грамзаписей или электронную игру. Созданию подобных конструкций и посвящена эта книга. Она рассчитана на ребят, которые любят мастерить, но еще не знают основ электричества и радиотехники.

Electronic homemade products

Just a few parts are needed to make a radio, home telephone, amplifier for listening to records, or an electronic game. This book is dedicated to the creation of such structures. It is designed for children who love to make things, but do not yet know the basics of electricity and radio engineering.

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Б.С., Иванов

Publishing year



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