Шушунова М.: О чем говорит наш организм. Сказки на современный лад для детей и взрослых

72,32 $

Health is the most important treasure of a person. However, few people understand that health must be looked after, protected and loved! Yes Yes! Be in love! The hardest thing is to explain this to children. How can you teach a child to take care of himself from the earliest years of his life: eat right, exercise, and keep his body and soul clean? “What is our body talking about?” – a book about health for children and adults. The author M.S. Shushunova – Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Practitioner – in an original way, on behalf of the organs, clearly and engagingly explains to children, as well as their parents, how important it is to listen and hear your body – and therefore from a very young age of life learn to be healthy.

Шушунова М.: О чем говорит наш организм. Сказки на современный лад для детей и взрослых

Здоровье – самое главное сокровище человека. Однако мало кто понимает, что за здоровьем необходимо ухаживать, его нужно беречь и любить! Да, да! Любить! Сложнее всего объяснить это детям. Как с самых ранних лет жизни приучить ребенка ухаживать за собой: правильно питаться, заниматься спортом, а также содержать в чистоте тело и душу? “О чем говорит наш организм?” – книга о здоровье для детей и взрослых. Автор М.С.Шушунова – доктор медицинских наук, профессор, врач-практик – оригинальным способом, от лица органов доходчиво и увлекательно объясняет детям, а также их родителям, как важно слушать и слышать свой организм – а значит,с самых юных лет жизни учиться быть здоровым.

Shushunova M.: What is our body talking about. Fairy tales with a modern twist for children and adults

Health is the most important treasure of a person. However, few people understand that health must be looked after, protected and loved! Yes Yes! Be in love! The hardest thing is to explain this to children. How can you teach a child to take care of himself from the earliest years of his life: eat right, exercise, and keep his body and soul clean? “What is our body talking about?” – a book about health for children and adults. The author M.S. Shushunova – Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Practitioner – in an original way, on behalf of the organs, clearly and engagingly explains to children, as well as their parents, how important it is to listen and hear your body – and therefore from a very young age of life learn to be healthy.

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Шушунова М



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