Шабалов Н.: Перинатология

55,00 $

The textbook is intended for students of medical universities studying in the specialty programs “General Medicine”, “Medical and Preventive Care” and “Dentistry”.

The manual examines the fundamental sections of normal and pathological obstetrics included in the main educational programs.

Taking into account modern requirements for the organization of the educational process, strengthening its practical orientation, as well as the independent work of students, the textbook contains information provided by the curriculum on the physiology of the gestation period, childbirth and the postpartum period, complications and diseases of pregnant women, women in labor and postpartum women

The publication uses original drawings and illustrations taken from open sources.

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Шабалов Н.: Перинатология

Учебное пособие предназначено для студентов медицинских вузов, обучающихся по программам специалитета «Лечебное дело», «Медико-профилактическое дело» и «Стоматология».

В пособии рассмотрены фундаментальные разделы нормального и патологического акушерства, входящие в основные образовательные программы.

С учетом современных требований к организации учебного процесса, усиления его практической направленности, а также самостоятельной работы обучаемых учебное пособие содержит предусмотренные учебными планами сведения по физиологии периода гестации, родов и послеродового периода, осложнений и заболеваний беременных, рожениц и родильниц.

В издании использованы авторские рисунки и иллюстрации, взятые из открытых источников.

Shabalov N.: Perinatology

The textbook is intended for students of medical universities studying in the specialty programs “General Medicine”, “Medical and Preventive Care” and “Dentistry”.

The manual examines the fundamental sections of normal and pathological obstetrics included in the main educational programs.

Taking into account modern requirements for the organization of the educational process, strengthening its practical orientation, as well as the independent work of students, the textbook contains information provided by the curriculum on the physiology of the gestation period, childbirth and the postpartum period, complications and diseases of pregnant women, women in labor and postpartum women

The publication uses original drawings and illustrations taken from open sources.

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Шабалов Н



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