Цыган В. и др.: Патофизиология лучевой болезни. Учебное пособие

96,87 $

The manual provides information on the etiology and pathogenesis of radiation sickness. The basic principles of its prevention, diagnosis and treatment are presented.

The publication is intended for cadets, students of medical universities, clinical residents, students of the faculty of postgraduate and additional education undergoing primary specialization or thematic improvement in radiation diagnostics, doctors of ultrasound diagnostic departments, radiologists, computer and magnetic resonance imaging specialists tomography.

SKU: p6613069MEd623 Category:

Цыган В. и др.: Патофизиология лучевой болезни. Учебное пособие

В пособии изложены сведения по этиологии и патогенезу лучевой болезни. Представлены основные принципы ее профилактики, диагностики и лечения.

Издание предназначено для курсантов, студентов медицинских вузов, клинических ординаторов, слушателей факультета послевузовского и дополнительного образования, проходящих первичную специализацию или тематическое усовершенствование по лучевой диагностике, врачей отделений ультразвуковой диагностики, рентгенологов, специалистов по компьютерной и магнитно-резонансной томографии.

Tsygan V. et al.: Pathophysiology of radiation sickness. Tutorial

The manual provides information on the etiology and pathogenesis of radiation sickness. The basic principles of its prevention, diagnosis and treatment are presented.

The publication is intended for cadets, students of medical universities, clinical residents, students of the faculty of postgraduate and additional education undergoing primary specialization or thematic improvement in radiation diagnostics, doctors of ultrasound diagnostic departments, radiologists, computer and magnetic resonance imaging specialists tomography.

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Цыган В. и др



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