Хэбиф Т., Динулос Дж.: Кожные болезни: Диагностика и лечение

214,93 $

Daily clinical practice, especially outpatient practice, creates a constant need for the practicing physician to improve in the field of diagnosis and treatment of skin diseases. The book provides a brief but comprehensive description of many common and quite rare forms of skin pathology, accompanied by carefully selected and informative high-quality illustrations. Along with this, attention is paid to treatment tactics and information about the latest medications, including those available without a prescription.

The manual is intended for practicing doctors, including dermatologists, cosmetologists, infectious disease specialists, as well as interns, clinical residents and senior students of medical universities.

SKU: p6613069MEd657 Category:

Хэбиф Т., Динулос Дж.: Кожные болезни: Диагностика и лечение

Повседневная клиническая практика, особенно амбулаторная, вызывает у практикующего врача постоянную необходимость совершенствования в области диагностики и лечения кожных заболеваний. В книге дано краткое, но исчерпывающее описание многих распространенных и довольно редко встречающихся форм патологии кожи, сопровождаемое тщательно отобранными и информативными высококачественными иллюстрациями. Наряду с этим уделено внимание лечебной тактике, сведениям о новейших лекарственных средствах, в том числе отпускаемых без рецепта.

Руководство предназначено для практикующих врачей, в том числе дерматологов, косметологов, инфекционистов, а также интернов, клинических ординаторов и студентов старших курсов медицинских вузов.

Habif T, Dinoulos J: Skin diseases: Diagnosis and treatment

Daily clinical practice, especially outpatient practice, creates a constant need for the practicing physician to improve in the field of diagnosis and treatment of skin diseases. The book provides a brief but comprehensive description of many common and quite rare forms of skin pathology, accompanied by carefully selected and informative high-quality illustrations. Along with this, attention is paid to treatment tactics and information about the latest medications, including those available without a prescription.

The manual is intended for practicing doctors, including dermatologists, cosmetologists, infectious disease specialists, as well as interns, clinical residents and senior students of medical universities.

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Хэбиф Т., Динулос Дж



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