Суслина З., Пирадов М., Максимова М.: Неврология. Учебник. Предназначен студентам и преподавателям факультетов медицинских вузов

66,00 $

The textbook, in the light of modern achievements in clinical neurology and dentistry, presents information on general neurology, as well as on private and special neurology – neurostomatology. A section covering neurodental diseases and syndromes has been highlighted. Separate chapters are devoted to cranial neuralgia, myofascial pain syndrome of the face, cerebrovascular accidents, infectious and demyelinating diseases, tumors of the nervous system, traumatic brain injury, epilepsy, dementia, headache, etc. When preparing the material, the neurology program of medical universities was taken into account. Materials from the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Scientific Center of Neurology” were used as illustrations. The textbook is intended for students of medical universities studying in the specialty “Dentistry”.

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Суслина З., Пирадов М., Максимова М.: Неврология. Учебник. Предназначен студентам и преподавателям факультетов медицинских вузов

В учебнике в свете современных достижений клинической неврологии и стоматологии изложены сведения по общей неврологии, а также по частной и специальной неврологии — нейростоматологии. Выделен раздел, освещающий нейросто-матологические заболевания и синдромы. Отдельные главы посвящены краниальным невралгиям, миофасциальному болевому синдрому лица, нарушениям мозгового кровообращения, инфекционным и демиелинизирующим заболеваниям, опухолям нервной системы, черепно-мозговой травме, эпилепсии, деменции, головной боли и др. При подготовке материала была учтена программа по неврологии медицинских вузов. В качестве иллюстраций использованы материалы ФГБНУ «Научный центр неврологии». Учебник предназначен для студентов медицинских вузов, обучающихся по специальности «Стоматология».

Suslina Z., Piradov M., Maksimova M.: Neurology. Textbook. Intended for students and teachers of faculties of medical universities

The textbook, in the light of modern achievements in clinical neurology and dentistry, presents information on general neurology, as well as on private and special neurology – neurostomatology. A section covering neurodental diseases and syndromes has been highlighted. Separate chapters are devoted to cranial neuralgia, myofascial pain syndrome of the face, cerebrovascular accidents, infectious and demyelinating diseases, tumors of the nervous system, traumatic brain injury, epilepsy, dementia, headache, etc. When preparing the material, the neurology program of medical universities was taken into account. Materials from the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Scientific Center of Neurology” were used as illustrations. The textbook is intended for students of medical universities studying in the specialty “Dentistry”.

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Суслина З., Пирадов М., Максимова М



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