Смоленский А., Тарасов А. (ред.): Заболевания спортсменов: Учебник

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The textbook is written in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard in the field of training 49.03.01 – “Physical Culture”, training profile “Sports Training in a Selected Sport” (qualification “Bachelor”). The textbook sets out modern ideas about internal diseases, some of which can be directly associated with sports – bronchospasm of physical effort, dyspeptic syndrome, hepatic pain syndrome and a number of other pathological conditions. Particular attention is paid to diseases of the cardiovascular system in athletes, since some of them (cardiomyopathies, myocarditis) are a pathology with a high risk of sudden death in sports. A description is given of somatic diseases that are often observed in athletes, but are not directly related to their professional activities. Preventive measures are listed, the prognosis and the possibility of admission to training and competitions are indicated.

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Смоленский А., Тарасов А. (ред.): Заболевания спортсменов: Учебник

Учебник написан в соответствии с Федеральным государственным образовательным стандартом по направлению подготовки 49.03.01 – «Физическая культура», профиль подготовки «Спортивная подготовка в избранном виде спорта» (квалификация «бакалавр»).В учебнике изложены современные представления о внутренних болезнях, часть из которых можно непосредственно ассоциировать с занятием спортом – бронхоспазм физического усилия, диспепсический синдром, печеночно-болевой синдром и ряд других патологических состояний. Особое внимание уделено заболеваниям сердечно-сосудистой системы у спортсменов, так как некоторые из них (кардиомиопатии, миокардит) являются патологией высокого риска внезапной смерти в спорте. Дано описание соматических болезней, нередко наблюдающихся у атлетов, но напрямую не связанных с их профессиональной деятельностью. Перечислены меры профилактики, указаны прогноз и возможность допуска к тренировкам и соревнованиям.

Smolensky A., Tarasov A. (eds.): Diseases of athletes: Textbook

The textbook is written in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard in the field of training 49.03.01 – “Physical Culture”, training profile “Sports Training in a Selected Sport” (qualification “Bachelor”). The textbook sets out modern ideas about internal diseases, some of which can be directly associated with sports – bronchospasm of physical effort, dyspeptic syndrome, hepatic pain syndrome and a number of other pathological conditions. Particular attention is paid to diseases of the cardiovascular system in athletes, since some of them (cardiomyopathies, myocarditis) are a pathology with a high risk of sudden death in sports. A description is given of somatic diseases that are often observed in athletes, but are not directly related to their professional activities. Preventive measures are listed, the prognosis and the possibility of admission to training and competitions are indicated.

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Смоленский А., Тарасов А. (ред.)



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