Рамачарака: Наука о дыхании индийских йогов. Хатха-йога

55,00 $

Yogi Ramacharaka’s books “The Science of Breathing” and “Hatha Yoga” were written at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. The theories and practical exercises presented in them have stood the test of time and have proven themselves to be the best.

The Science of Breathing presents in a clear and concise form the basic methods of yoga and their best exercises.

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Рамачарака: Наука о дыхании индийских йогов. Хатха-йога

Книги йога Рамачараки “Наука о дыхании” и “Хатха-йога” были написаны на рубеже XIX и XX веков. Теории и практические занятия, изложенные в них, прошли испытание временем и зарекомендовали себя с лучше стороны.

В “Науке о дыхании” в ясной и сжатой форме представлены основные методы йогов и лучшие их упражнения.

Ramacharaka: The Science of Breathing of Indian Yogis. Hatha yoga

Yogi Ramacharaka’s books “The Science of Breathing” and “Hatha Yoga” were written at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. The theories and practical exercises presented in them have stood the test of time and have proven themselves to be the best.

The Science of Breathing presents in a clear and concise form the basic methods of yoga and their best exercises.

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