Пирадов М., Максимова М., Синева Н., Водопьянов Н.: Невропатия тройничного нерва: Учебное пособие

78,80 $

The manual presents current information on trigeminal neuropathy, which in clinical practice is more common than trigeminal neuralgia. The classification of trigeminal neuropathy, the basic principles of diagnosis and treatment of traumatic neuropathy, as well as neuropathy caused by tumors, connective tissue diseases, infectious diseases and other causes are presented. Particular attention is paid to trigeminal neuropathy after dental implantation and endodontic interventions.

The manual has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education for the minimum content and level of training for students in the specialty 05/31/03 “Dentistry” with a graduate qualification of “General Dentist”, work training and additional professional development programs continuous medical education of neurologists, dentists and doctors of other medical specialties.

For neurologists, dentists and other medical specialties, clinical residents, students of the faculty of additional professional education, students of dental faculties of medical universities.

SKU: p6613069MEd598 Category:

Пирадов М., Максимова М., Синева Н., Водопьянов Н.: Невропатия тройничного нерва: Учебное пособие

В пособии изложены современные сведения по невропатии тройничного нерва, которая в клинической практике встречается чаще, чем невралгия тройничного нерва. Представлены классификация невропатии тройничного нерва, базовые основы диагностики и лечения травматической невропатии, а также невропатии, обусловленной опухолями, болезнями соединительной ткани, инфекционными заболеваниями и другими причинами. Особое внимание уделено невропатии тройничного нерва после имплантации зубов и эндодонтических вмешательств.

Пособие подготовлено в соответствии с требованиями ФГОС ВО к минимуму содержания и уровню подготовки для обучающихся по специальности 31.05.03 «Стоматология» с квалификацией выпускника «Врач-стоматолог общей практики», рабочими учебными и дополнительными профессиональными программами повышения квалификации непрерывного медицинского образования неврологов, стоматологов и врачей других специальностей лечебного профиля.

Для врачей-неврологов, стоматологов и других специальностей лечебного профиля, клинических ординаторов, слушателей факультета дополнительного профессионального образования, студентов стоматологических факультетов медицинских вузов.

Piradov M., Maksimova M., Sineva N., Vodopyanov N.: Trigeminal neuropathy: A textbook

The manual presents current information on trigeminal neuropathy, which in clinical practice is more common than trigeminal neuralgia. The classification of trigeminal neuropathy, the basic principles of diagnosis and treatment of traumatic neuropathy, as well as neuropathy caused by tumors, connective tissue diseases, infectious diseases and other causes are presented. Particular attention is paid to trigeminal neuropathy after dental implantation and endodontic interventions.

The manual has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education for the minimum content and level of training for students in the specialty 05/31/03 “Dentistry” with a graduate qualification of “General Dentist”, work training and additional professional development programs continuous medical education of neurologists, dentists and doctors of other medical specialties.

For neurologists, dentists and other medical specialties, clinical residents, students of the faculty of additional professional education, students of dental faculties of medical universities.

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Пирадов М., Максимова М., Синева Н., Водопьянов Н



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