Пальчик А.: Лекции по неврологии развития

55,00 $

The book provides information about the morphological, neurochemical and functional aspects of the development of the nervous system, concepts of developmental neurology, the development of basic neurological functions, assessment of the neurological status of the newborn, infant and child, hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy of newborns, sleep disorders, delayed psychomotor development, methodological problems of childhood neurology, etc.

Since the publication of publications devoted to this topic – “Evolutionary Neurology” and “Introduction to Developmental Neurology” – a number of provisions have been rethought regarding the patterns of ontogenesis, the role of time in developmental neurology, the significance of plasticity in development and pathologies of the nervous system. In this edition, more attention is paid to the theory of endogenous pattern generators, as well as clinical issues of somnology, gender characteristics of the development of neurological diseases, neurology of premature infants, and the lecture on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder has been fundamentally changed.

In this work, the author tried to supplement, if possible, the ideas of pediatricians and child neurologists about the development of the nervous system, especially its clinical aspects. The publication is structured in the form of separate lectures, allowing the necessary material to be presented less formally, avoiding excessive quoting and with more imagery.

For child neurologists, pediatricians, psychiatrists and psychologists, teachers, defectologists, as well as for students of medical and pedagogical universities.

SKU: p6613069MEd900 Category:

Пальчик А.: Лекции по неврологии развития

В книге приведены сведения о морфологических, нейрохимических и функциональных аспектах развития нервной системы, концепциях неврологии развития, развитии основных неврологических функций, оценке неврологического статуса новорожденного, младенца и ребенка, гипоксически-ишемической энцефалопатии новорожденных, нарушениях сна, задержке психомоторного развития, методических проблемах неврологии детского возраста и др.

Со времени выхода в свет публикаций, посвященных данной тематике – «Эволюционная неврология» и «Введение в неврологию развития», – переосмыслен ряд положений, касающихся закономерностей онтогенеза, роли времени в неврологии развития, значения пластичности в развитии и патологии нервной системы. В настоящем издании большее внимание уделено теории эндогенных паттерн-генераторов, а также клиническим вопросам сомнологии, гендерным особенностям развития неврологических заболеваний, неврологии недоношенных детей, принципиально изменена лекция по синдрому дефицита внимания и гиперактивности.

В данной работе автор постарался дополнить, по возможности, представления педиатров и детских неврологов о развитии нервной системы, особенно его клинических аспектах. Издание построено в виде отдельных лекций, позволяющих менее формально, с избежанием чрезмерного цитирования и с большей образностью изложить необходимый материал.

Для детских неврологов, педиатров, психиатров и психологов, педагогов, дефектологов, а также для студентов медицинских и педагогических вузов.

Palchik A.: Lectures on developmental neurology

The book provides information about the morphological, neurochemical and functional aspects of the development of the nervous system, concepts of developmental neurology, the development of basic neurological functions, assessment of the neurological status of the newborn, infant and child, hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy of newborns, sleep disorders, delayed psychomotor development, methodological problems of childhood neurology, etc.

Since the publication of publications devoted to this topic – “Evolutionary Neurology” and “Introduction to Developmental Neurology” – a number of provisions have been rethought regarding the patterns of ontogenesis, the role of time in developmental neurology, the significance of plasticity in development and pathologies of the nervous system. In this edition, more attention is paid to the theory of endogenous pattern generators, as well as clinical issues of somnology, gender characteristics of the development of neurological diseases, neurology of premature infants, and the lecture on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder has been fundamentally changed.

In this work, the author tried to supplement, if possible, the ideas of pediatricians and child neurologists about the development of the nervous system, especially its clinical aspects. The publication is structured in the form of separate lectures, allowing the necessary material to be presented less formally, avoiding excessive quoting and with more imagery.

For child neurologists, pediatricians, psychiatrists and psychologists, teachers, defectologists, as well as for students of medical and pedagogical universities.

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Пальчик А



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