Огудин В.Л.: Русская народная медицина. Хрестоматия. Том 1

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The anthology “Russian Traditional Medicine” includes sources containing information about traditional healers, diseases, methods and means of treating them. They were published in the mid-18th – early 20th centuries, in newspapers, almanacs, dictionaries and scientific collections. It was noted that the rural population deeply believed in the benefits of ancient healing actions using dangerous methods and means and mysterious conspiracies. Behind all this, according to ideas, there were light (God) or dark (demons) forces that gave healers or sorcerers the ability to influence people. The sources reflect the beginning of a difficult period of transition from traditional thinking of villagers to new thinking based on scientific knowledge. We must pay tribute to the authors of the articles – naturalists, doctors, ethnographers, botanists, local historians, philologists, teachers, etc., thanks to whose considerable efforts, this body of original information has been preserved, which represents the written heritage of Russian medical culture.

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Огудин В.Л.: Русская народная медицина. Хрестоматия. Том 1

Хрестоматия “Русская народная медицина” включает источники, содержащие сведения о народных врачевателях, болезнях, методах и средствах их лечения. Опубликованы они были в середине XVIII – начале XX вв., в газетах, альманахах, словарях и научных сборниках. Отмечено, что сельское население глубоко верило в пользу исконных лечебных действий с применением опасных методов и средств и таинственных заговоров. За всем этим, согласно представлениям, стояли светлые (Бог) или темные (бесы) силы, дающие знахарям или колдунам способность воздействия на людей. В источниках отражено начало сложного периода перехода традиционного мышления селян к новому мышлению, основанному на научных знаниях. Надо отдать должное авторам статей – натуралистам, врачам, этнографам, ботаникам, краеведам, филологам, учителям и пр., благодаря немалым стараниям которых, сохранился сей свод самобытных сведений, представляющий собой письменное наследие русской медицинской культуры.

Ogudin V.L.: Russian folk medicine. Reader. Volume 1

The anthology “Russian Traditional Medicine” includes sources containing information about traditional healers, diseases, methods and means of treating them. They were published in the mid-18th – early 20th centuries, in newspapers, almanacs, dictionaries and scientific collections. It was noted that the rural population deeply believed in the benefits of ancient healing actions using dangerous methods and means and mysterious conspiracies. Behind all this, according to ideas, there were light (God) or dark (demons) forces that gave healers or sorcerers the ability to influence people. The sources reflect the beginning of a difficult period of transition from traditional thinking of villagers to new thinking based on scientific knowledge. We must pay tribute to the authors of the articles – naturalists, doctors, ethnographers, botanists, local historians, philologists, teachers, etc., thanks to whose considerable efforts, this body of original information has been preserved, which represents the written heritage of Russian medical culture.

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Огудин В.Л



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