Ньокиктьен Ч.: Детская поведенческая неврология. В двух томах. Том 2

79,28 $

Charles Njokiktjen is known as one of the leading experts and founders of a new scientific field – child behavioral neurology – that branch of neuroscience that studies the connection between behavioral and learning problems and their neurological basis. For the first time, a two-volume book offered to the Russian reader summarizes modern data from neurology and other neurosciences on child development and developmental disorders, as well as neurological and neuropsychological methods for assessing them.

Volume II examines the development of memory and attention in children and their disorders, including attention-deficit hyperactive disorder, disorders of language development (dysphasia) and school skills (dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia), autistic disorders, special syndromes (behavioral phenotypes), neuropsychiatric disorders, lag and regression in psychomotor development.

Modern scientific information about the relationships between the brain, behavior, learning, cognitive and motor functions is needed by a variety of specialists, including child neurologists and psychiatrists, psychologists, special educators, speech therapists, and rehabilitation specialists.

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Ньокиктьен Ч.: Детская поведенческая неврология. В двух томах. Том 2

Чарльз Ньокиктьен известен как один из ведущих специалистов и основоположников нового научного направления – детской поведенческой неврологии – той области неврологии, которая изучает связь между проблемами в поведении и обучении и их неврологической основой. Впервые предлагаемый российскому читателю двухтомник обобщает современные данные неврологии и других нейронаук о развитии и отклонениях в развитии ребенка, а также неврологические и нейропсихологические методы их оценки.

Во II томе рассматриваются развитие памяти и внимания у детей и их расстройства, включая гиперактивное расстройство с дефицитом внимания, нарушения развития речи (дисфазия) и школьных навыков (дислексия, дисграфия, дискалькулия), аутистические расстройства, особые синдромы (поведенческие фенотипы), нейропсихиатрические нарушения, отставание и регресс в психомоторном развитии.

Современная научная информация о взаимосвязях между мозгом, поведением, обучением, когнитивными и двигательными функциями необходима самым разным специалистам, в том числе детским неврологам и психиатрам, психологам, коррекционным педагогам, логопедам, реабилитологам.

Nyokiktjen CH: Child behavioral neurology. In two volumes. Volume 2

Charles Njokiktjen is known as one of the leading experts and founders of a new scientific field – child behavioral neurology – that branch of neuroscience that studies the connection between behavioral and learning problems and their neurological basis. For the first time, a two-volume book offered to the Russian reader summarizes modern data from neurology and other neurosciences on child development and developmental disorders, as well as neurological and neuropsychological methods for assessing them.

Volume II examines the development of memory and attention in children and their disorders, including attention-deficit hyperactive disorder, disorders of language development (dysphasia) and school skills (dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia), autistic disorders, special syndromes (behavioral phenotypes), neuropsychiatric disorders, lag and regression in psychomotor development.

Modern scientific information about the relationships between the brain, behavior, learning, cognitive and motor functions is needed by a variety of specialists, including child neurologists and psychiatrists, psychologists, special educators, speech therapists, and rehabilitation specialists.

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Ньокиктьен Ч



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