Неумывакин И.: Сныть и мокрица. Мифы и реальность

55,00 $

This series of books was dedicated to many vegetables and fruits that Nature gave us to maintain health. A new book about wild herbs – chickweed and woodlice, which in our time are considered malicious weeds, but our ancestors respected them and widely used them for food and as medicine. And for good reason. Let’s talk about the beneficial and medicinal properties of these herbs.
In addition, the book contains the author’s recommendations for maintaining health and longevity.

Неумывакин И.: Сныть и мокрица. Мифы и реальность

Данная серия книг была посвящена многим овощам и фруктам, которые подарила нам Природа для сохранения здоровья. Новая книга о дикорастущих травах -сныти и мокрице, которые в наше время считаются злостными сорняками, а предки наши их уважали и широко использовали в пищу и как лекарство. И не зря. О полезных и лечебных свойствах этих травок и поговорим.
.Кроме того, в книге приведены рекомендации автора по сохранению здоровья и долголетия.

Neumyvakin I.: Mowing and woodlice. Myths and reality

This series of books was dedicated to many vegetables and fruits that Nature gave us to maintain health. A new book about wild herbs – chickweed and woodlice, which in our time are considered malicious weeds, but our ancestors respected them and widely used them for food and as medicine. And for good reason. Let’s talk about the beneficial and medicinal properties of these herbs.
In addition, the book contains the author’s recommendations for maintaining health and longevity.

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Неумывакин И



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