Малов Ю.: Хроническая сердечная недостаточность (патогенез, клиника, диагностика, лечение)

55,00 $

The monograph presents a new scientific concept of studying the heart and blood vessels as a system built on the principle of the golden proportion. The structure of the heart is based on affine symmetry, and its functional activity is based on the symmetry of transformations. In healthy people, there is harmony in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, while in patients with chronic heart failure it is disrupted.
.Methods for diagnosing acute and chronic heart failure and the degree of its severity are proposed, based on the relationship between time and volume indicators of heart function. They allow you to monitor the dynamics of the syndrome and the effectiveness of the treatment.
.An important place in the monograph is given to the principles and methods of treating patients with chronic heart failure and medications used for this pathology.
.The publication is intended for cardiologists, therapists and general practitioners.

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Малов Ю.: Хроническая сердечная недостаточность (патогенез, клиника, диагностика, лечение)

В монографии представлена новая научная концепция исследования сердца и сосудов как системы, построенной на принципе золотой пропорции. В основе строения сердца лежит аффинная симметрия, а в основе его функциональной деятельности — симметрия преобразований. У здоровых людей наблюдается гармония функционирования сердца и сосудов, у больных с хронической сердечной недостаточностью она нарушена.
.Предложены методы диагностики острой и хронической сердечной недостаточности и степени ее выраженности, основанные на отношениях временных и объемных показателей работы сердца. Они позволяют следить за динамикой течения синдрома и эффективностью проводимого лечения.
.Важное место в монографии отведено принципам и методам лечения больных с хронической сердечной недостаточностью и лекарственным препаратам, применяемым при данной патологии.
.Издание предназначено для кардиологов, терапевтов и врачей общей практики.

Malov Yu.: Chronic heart failure (pathogenesis, clinical picture, diagnosis, treatment)

The monograph presents a new scientific concept of studying the heart and blood vessels as a system built on the principle of the golden proportion. The structure of the heart is based on affine symmetry, and its functional activity is based on the symmetry of transformations. In healthy people, there is harmony in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, while in patients with chronic heart failure it is disrupted.
.Methods for diagnosing acute and chronic heart failure and the degree of its severity are proposed, based on the relationship between time and volume indicators of heart function. They allow you to monitor the dynamics of the syndrome and the effectiveness of the treatment.
.An important place in the monograph is given to the principles and methods of treating patients with chronic heart failure and medications used for this pathology.
.The publication is intended for cardiologists, therapists and general practitioners.

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Малов Ю



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