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The novel Downfall was written by Tagore in 1902. The events described in “The Crash” date back to the second half of the 19th century, that is, to the period when the strengthening of capitalism in India led to the completion of the consolidation of the Bengalis into a nation and caused the breakdown of old feudal social relations. In the initial period of the development of capitalism in India, the bourgeois intelligentsia was the spokesman for advanced, progressive ideas. Its representatives opposed various kinds of remnants: the custom of self-immolation of widows, early marriages, cruel caste restrictions, strict rituals. The Brahmo Samaj, a society founded in 1828 by the greatest educator of Bengal, Ram Mohon Rai, took an active part in the fight against these relics. Formally, this society was of a religious nature: the triad of gods of Hinduism, which includes Brahma – the creator god, Vishnu – the guardian god, Shiva – the destroyer god, was opposed by faith in the single, supreme god Brahma. In the initial period of the society’s activity, the Brahmo Samaj’s struggle against idolatry, ritualism, and caste restrictions certainly played a positive role.
Tagore’s grandfather and father were among the active participants in the society. Tagore himself was quite critical of the activities of the Brahmo Samaj, for in his time it was extremely degraded and lost its progressive traditions, and many of its members turned into bigots and hypocrites. Tagore’s attitude towards such figures is reflected in the novel. Tagore called the novel “The Downfall”, and it is quite obvious that in this title he symbolized the breakdown of the old way of life in Bengal in the mid-19th century.

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Роман “Крушение” был написан Тагором в 1902 году. События, описываемые в “Крушении”, относятся ко второй половине XIX века, то есть к периоду, когда укрепление капитализма в Индии привело к завершению консолидации бенгальцев в нацию, вызвало ломку старых феодальных общественных отношений. В начальный период развития капитализма в Индии буржуазная интеллигенция являлась выразителем передовых, прогрессивных идей. Ее представители выступали против разного рода пережитков: обычая самосожжения вдов, ранних браков, жестоких кастовых ограничений, строгой обрядности. В борьбе с этими пережитками деятельное участие приняло “Брахмо Самадж” – общество, основанное в 1828 году крупнейшим просветителем Бенгалии Рам Мохон Раем. Формально это общество носило религиозный характер: триаде богов индуизма, в которую входят Брахма – бог-создатель, Вишну – бог-хранитель, Шива – бог-разрушитель, противопоставлялась вера в единого, всевышнего бога Брахму. В первоначальный период деятельности общества борьба “Брахмо Самадж” с идолопоклонством, обрядностью, кастовыми ограничениями безусловно сыграла положительную роль.
В числе активных участников общества были дед и отец Тагора. Сам Тагор довольно критически относился к деятельности “Брахмо Самадж”, ибо в его время оно чрезвычайно деградировало и утратило прогрессивные традиции, а многие из его членов превратились в ханжей и лицемеров. Отношение Тагора к подобным деятелям нашло отражение в романе. Тагор назвал роман “Крушение”, и совершенно очевидно, что в этом названии он символизировал ломку старого жизненного уклада Бенгалии середины XIX века.


The novel Downfall was written by Tagore in 1902. The events described in “The Crash” date back to the second half of the 19th century, that is, to the period when the strengthening of capitalism in India led to the completion of the consolidation of the Bengalis into a nation and caused the breakdown of old feudal social relations. In the initial period of the development of capitalism in India, the bourgeois intelligentsia was the spokesman for advanced, progressive ideas. Its representatives opposed various kinds of remnants: the custom of self-immolation of widows, early marriages, cruel caste restrictions, strict rituals. The Brahmo Samaj, a society founded in 1828 by the greatest educator of Bengal, Ram Mohon Rai, took an active part in the fight against these relics. Formally, this society was of a religious nature: the triad of gods of Hinduism, which includes Brahma – the creator god, Vishnu – the guardian god, Shiva – the destroyer god, was opposed by faith in the single, supreme god Brahma. In the initial period of the society’s activity, the Brahmo Samaj’s struggle against idolatry, ritualism, and caste restrictions certainly played a positive role.
Tagore’s grandfather and father were among the active participants in the society. Tagore himself was quite critical of the activities of the Brahmo Samaj, for in his time it was extremely degraded and lost its progressive traditions, and many of its members turned into bigots and hypocrites. Tagore’s attitude towards such figures is reflected in the novel. Tagore called the novel “The Downfall”, and it is quite obvious that in this title he symbolized the breakdown of the old way of life in Bengal in the mid-19th century.

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Рабиндранат Тагор

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