Корсун В., Корсун Е., Малышко М., Огренич Н.: Фитотерапия для детей. Травы жизни

55,00 $

This book, written by highly qualified, experienced specialists in the field of herbal medicine, based on many years of clinical observations, provides scientific information on the use of herbal preparations in pediatrics. A description of biologically active substances and the methodology for using herbal medicines in the treatment of a number of childhood diseases is given. Specific recommendations are given for the integrated use of herbal remedies for the most common childhood diseases. For the first time, many years of experience in organizing herbal medicine in preschool and school institutions, clinics, children’s departments of hospitals and sanatoriums are presented.

The book is addressed to parents who want to help their sick child without harming his body (before using the recommendations, you should consult with a doctor), and, of course, pediatricians, herbalists, family doctors, medical workers in schools, preschools and health resort institutions who want to broaden their horizons and hone their skills.

Корсун В., Корсун Е., Малышко М., Огренич Н.: Фитотерапия для детей. Травы жизни

В этой книге, написанной высококвалифицированными, опытными специалистами в области фитотерапии, на основании многолетних клинических наблюдений приведены научные сведения об использовании препаратов растительного происхождения в педиатрии. Дано описание биологически активных веществ, методологии применения фитопрепаратов в лечении ряда детских заболеваний. Даны конкретные рекомендации по комплексному применению средств растительного характера при наиболее часто встречающихся детских болезнях. Впервые представлен многолетний опыт организации фитотерапии в условиях детских дошкольных и школьных учреждений, поликлиник, детских отделений стационаров и санаториев.

Книга адресована родителям, желающим помочь своему болеющему ребенку, не нанося вреда его организму (перед применением рекомендаций стоит посоветоваться с врачом), и, конечно, врачам педиатрам, фитотерапевтам, семейным врачам, медицинским работникам школ, детских дошкольных и санаторно­курортных учреждений, желающим расширить свой кругозор и отточить свое мастерство.

Korsun V., Korsun E., Malyshko M., Ogrenich N.: Herbal medicine for children. Herbs of Life

This book, written by highly qualified, experienced specialists in the field of herbal medicine, based on many years of clinical observations, provides scientific information on the use of herbal preparations in pediatrics. A description of biologically active substances and the methodology for using herbal medicines in the treatment of a number of childhood diseases is given. Specific recommendations are given for the integrated use of herbal remedies for the most common childhood diseases. For the first time, many years of experience in organizing herbal medicine in preschool and school institutions, clinics, children’s departments of hospitals and sanatoriums are presented.

The book is addressed to parents who want to help their sick child without harming his body (before using the recommendations, you should consult with a doctor), and, of course, pediatricians, herbalists, family doctors, medical workers in schools, preschools and health resort institutions who want to broaden their horizons and hone their skills.

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Корсун В., Корсун Е., Малышко М., Огренич Н



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