Керре Наталья: Шизофрения без страха: Книга для людей с диагнозом и всех, кто рядом

68,18 $

The book is addressed to people suffering from schizophrenia, their relatives who are responsible for the life and health of loved ones, and everyone who is interested in the topic of mental illness. It will also be useful for novice psychiatrists, psychotherapists and psychologists involved in the treatment and rehabilitation of mentally ill patients.

Natalia Kerre is a defectologist with extensive experience, a family psychologist-consultant. In her work, she has repeatedly encountered incorrect and untimely diagnosis of schizophrenia, including in children and adolescents, and has seen the consequences this leads to. She helped many patients and their relatives form the correct attitude towards the diagnosis, learn to live with it and lead a full life.

A very wide range of topics is covered: various theories of the occurrence of schizophrenia, characteristic symptoms, methods of diagnosis and treatment, methods of social rehabilitation. The book also contains real stories of people diagnosed. A special section is devoted to answers to practical questions: how to accept the disease, how to live with it, what to do to minimize the risk of exacerbation. It tells in an accessible way how to understand the characteristics of the disease, how to treat people with a diagnosis, how to interact with them and achieve improvement in their condition. The appendix to the book contains drawings of people with mental disorders that help to better understand their inner world.

Керре Наталья: Шизофрения без страха: Книга для людей с диагнозом и всех, кто рядом

Книга адресована людям, страдающим шизофренией, их родным, на которых ложится ответственность за жизнь и здоровье близких, и всем, кто интересуется темой психических заболеваний. Она также будет полезна начинающим врачам-психиатрам, психотерапевтам и психологам, занимающимся лечением и реабилитацией психически больных.

Наталья Керре — дефектолог с огромным стажем, семейный психолог-консультант. В своей работе она неоднократно сталкивалась с неправильной и несвоевременной диагностикой шизофрении, в том числе у детей и подростков, и видела, к каким последствиям это приводит. Она помогла многим больным и их родным сформировать правильное отношение к диагнозу, научиться жить с ним и вести полноценную жизнь.

Затрагивается очень широкий спектр тем: различные теории возникновения шизофрении, характерные симптомы, методы диагностики и лечения, способы социальной реабилитации. Также в книге опубликованы реальные истории людей с диагнозом. Специальный раздел посвящен ответам на практические вопросы: как принять заболевание, как с ним жить, что делать, чтобы минимизировать риск обострения. В доступной форме рассказывается о том, как разобраться в особенностях заболевания, как относиться к людям с диагнозом, как взаимодействовать с ними и добиваться улучшения их состояния. В приложении к книге опубликованы рисунки людей с психическими расстройствами, помогающие лучше понять их внутренний мир.

Kerre Natalya: Schizophrenia without fear: A book for people with a diagnosis and everyone around

The book is addressed to people suffering from schizophrenia, their relatives who are responsible for the life and health of loved ones, and everyone who is interested in the topic of mental illness. It will also be useful for novice psychiatrists, psychotherapists and psychologists involved in the treatment and rehabilitation of mentally ill patients.

Natalia Kerre is a defectologist with extensive experience, a family psychologist-consultant. In her work, she has repeatedly encountered incorrect and untimely diagnosis of schizophrenia, including in children and adolescents, and has seen the consequences this leads to. She helped many patients and their relatives form the correct attitude towards the diagnosis, learn to live with it and lead a full life.

A very wide range of topics is covered: various theories of the occurrence of schizophrenia, characteristic symptoms, methods of diagnosis and treatment, methods of social rehabilitation. The book also contains real stories of people diagnosed. A special section is devoted to answers to practical questions: how to accept the disease, how to live with it, what to do to minimize the risk of exacerbation. It tells in an accessible way how to understand the characteristics of the disease, how to treat people with a diagnosis, how to interact with them and achieve improvement in their condition. The appendix to the book contains drawings of people with mental disorders that help to better understand their inner world.

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Керре Наталья



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