Кастельянос Назарет: Телесный интеллект. Парадоксальное открытие о том, как тело определяет наши эмоции, поведение и темперамент

74,12 $

George Orwell said that the main thing is not to stay alive, but to remain human.

Over the past centuries, Western medicine has persistently taught us to perceive the body in fragments. Even our doctors dealt mainly with one organ. At the same time, dominance in the body was uncompromisingly given to the brain, and everything else was just elements controlled by it. In this sense, Eastern medicine stood apart (and was not recognized as official) – after all, it perceived the body as a unity: the body and the mind here were and are two sides of the same coin, and the postures and movements of the body influence human psychology.

However, everything has changed – now we are on the verge of a revolution: the body has finally come to terms with the brain. This book provides a roadmap for that reconciliation.

– You will begin a journey through the brain and learn about the functioning of neurons.

– Read about the most prominent areas of the brain, which are of particular importance in relationships with the body.

– Learn how skin, gestures and body postures shape emotions and attitudes towards the surrounding reality.

– You will learn how skin, gestures and body postures shape emotions and attitudes towards the surrounding reality.


– You will discover the ocean of microorganisms that inhabit our intestines and form psychological factors for the growth of neurons, without which the process of studying them would not have arisen.

– See how breathing affects neural activity and affects attention, memory, as well as the expression of emotions and how it helps make neurons plastic.

– Understand how your heartbeat affects the activity of neurons in the areas of the brain most involved in the subjective perception of the real world.

And, of course, learn to use this knowledge in real life in everyday situations: to calm down, concentrate, relax or feel a surge of energy.

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Кастельянос Назарет: Телесный интеллект. Парадоксальное открытие о том, как тело определяет наши эмоции, поведение и темперамент

Джордж Оруэлл говорил, что главное не остаться в живых, а остаться человеком.

В течение последних столетий западная медицина упорно учила нас воспринимать тело фрагментарно. Даже врачи у нас занимались в основном каким-то одним органом. При этом главенство в теле бескомпромиссно отдавалось мозгу, а все остальное — лишь управляемые им элементы. В этом смысле восточная медицина стояла особняком (и не признавалась официальной) — ведь она воспринимала тело как единство: организм и разум здесь являлись и являются двумя сторонами одной медали, а позы и движения тела влияют на психологию человека.

Однако все изменилось — сейчас мы на пороге революции: тело наконец-то примирилось с мозгом. Эта книга представляет собой дорожную карту для этого примирения.

– Вы начнете путешествие по мозгу и узнаете о функционировании нейронов.

– Прочитаете о наиболее выдающихся областях мозга, имеющих особенное значение во взаимоотношениях с организмом.

– Узнаете, как кожа, жесты и позы тела формируют эмоции и отношение к окружающей действительности.

– Откроете для себя океан микроорганизмов, населяющих наш кишечник и формирующих психологические факторы роста нейронов, без которых не возник бы процесс их изучения.

– Увидите, как дыхание влияет на нейронную деятельность и накладывает отпечаток на внимание, память, а также на выражение эмоций и как помогает делать нейроны пластичными.

– Поймете, как сердцебиение влияет на активность нейронов в областях мозга, наиболее вовлеченных в субъективное восприятие реального мира.

И, конечно, научитесь использовать эти знания в реальной жизни в бытовых ситуациях: чтобы успокоиться, сконцентрироваться, расслабиться или ощутить прилив энергии.

Castellanos Nazareth: Body Intelligence. A paradoxical discovery about how the body determines our emotions, behavior and temperament

George Orwell said that the main thing is not to stay alive, but to remain human.

Over the past centuries, Western medicine has persistently taught us to perceive the body in fragments. Even our doctors dealt mainly with one organ. At the same time, dominance in the body was uncompromisingly given to the brain, and everything else was just elements controlled by it. In this sense, Eastern medicine stood apart (and was not recognized as official) – after all, it perceived the body as a unity: the body and the mind here were and are two sides of the same coin, and the postures and movements of the body influence human psychology.

However, everything has changed – now we are on the verge of a revolution: the body has finally come to terms with the brain. This book provides a roadmap for that reconciliation.

– You will begin a journey through the brain and learn about the functioning of neurons.

– Read about the most prominent areas of the brain, which are of particular importance in relationships with the body.

– Learn how skin, gestures and body postures shape emotions and attitudes towards the surrounding reality.

– You will learn how skin, gestures and body postures shape emotions and attitudes towards the surrounding reality.


– You will discover the ocean of microorganisms that inhabit our intestines and form psychological factors for the growth of neurons, without which the process of studying them would not have arisen.

– See how breathing affects neural activity and affects attention, memory, as well as the expression of emotions and how it helps make neurons plastic.

– Understand how your heartbeat affects the activity of neurons in the areas of the brain most involved in the subjective perception of the real world.

And, of course, learn to use this knowledge in real life in everyday situations: to calm down, concentrate, relax or feel a surge of energy.

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Назарет Кастельянос




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