Исторические произведения: Скалаки. Псоглавцы. Филосовская история

39,00 $

The collection of works by the classic of Czech literature Alois Jirasek (1851-1930) is represented by two historical novels – “Skalaki” and “Psoglavtsy”, telling about the largest peasant uprisings in the Czech Republic at the end of the 17th and end of the 18th centuries, as well as the story “Philosophical History”, dedicated to revolutionary events in one of the Czech provinces in 1848.

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Исторические произведения: Скалаки. Псоглавцы. Филосовская история

Сборник произведений классика чешской литературы Алоиса Ирасека (1851-1930) представлен двумя историческими романами – “Скалаки” и “Псоглавцы”, рассказывающими о крупнейших крестьянских восстаниях в Чехии конца XVII и конца XVIII веков, а также повестью “Философская история”, посвященной революционным событиям в одной из чешских провинций в 1848 году.

Historical works: Skalaki. Dog heads. Philosophical history

The collection of works by the classic of Czech literature Alois Jirasek (1851-1930) is represented by two historical novels – “Skalaki” and “Psoglavtsy”, telling about the largest peasant uprisings in the Czech Republic at the end of the 17th and end of the 18th centuries, as well as the story “Philosophical History”, dedicated to revolutionary events in one of the Czech provinces in 1848.

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Алоис Ирасек

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