Загорский В., Робустова Т.: Протезирование зубов на имплантах

66,00 $

Based on literature data and the results of their own clinical and biomechanical studies, the authors offer their point of view on the biomechanics of hard dental tissues, compact and spongy bone tissue of the jaws and skull, as well as various implant designs. The mechanics of teeth, implants and bone tissue under various clinical conditions were analyzed using finite element methods. The use of functional load in the manufacture of implant-supported dentures is justified. Recommendations are given for the design of individual teeth, groups of teeth and dentition in the intermaxillary space supported by implants in specific clinical conditions. Particular attention is paid to the choice of treatment tactics in difficult clinical situations. For specialists in dental implantation, dentists of all profiles, teachers of dental faculties of higher medical educational institutions. 2nd edition, expanded.

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Загорский В., Робустова Т.: Протезирование зубов на имплантах

Основываясь на данных литературы и результатах собственных клинических и биомеханических исследований, авторы предлагают свою точку зрения на биомеханику твердых тканей зуба, компактной и губчатой костной ткани челюстей и черепа, а также различных конструкций имплантатов. С помощью методов конечных элементов проанализирована механика зубов, имплантатов и костной ткани при различных клинических состояниях. Обосновано применение функциональной нагрузки при изготовлении зубных протезов с опорой на имплантаты. Даны рекомендации по конструированию отдельных зубов, групп зубов и зубных рядов в межчелюстном пространстве с опорой на имплантаты в конкретных клинических условиях. Особое внимание уделено выбору тактики лечения в сложных клинических ситуациях. Для специалистов по зубной имплантации, стоматологов всех профилей, преподавателей стоматологических факультетов высших медицинских учебных заведений. 2-е издание, дополненное.

Zagorsky V., Robustova T.: Dental prosthetics on implants

Based on literature data and the results of their own clinical and biomechanical studies, the authors offer their point of view on the biomechanics of hard dental tissues, compact and spongy bone tissue of the jaws and skull, as well as various implant designs. The mechanics of teeth, implants and bone tissue under various clinical conditions were analyzed using finite element methods. The use of functional load in the manufacture of implant-supported dentures is justified. Recommendations are given for the design of individual teeth, groups of teeth and dentition in the intermaxillary space supported by implants in specific clinical conditions. Particular attention is paid to the choice of treatment tactics in difficult clinical situations. For specialists in dental implantation, dentists of all profiles, teachers of dental faculties of higher medical educational institutions. 2nd edition, expanded.

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Загорский В., Робустова Т



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