Дурлештер В., Корочанская Н. (ред.): Хирургическое лечение цирроза печени. Мультидисциплинарный подход. Монография

55,00 $

The monograph presents algorithms for the perioperative management of patients with liver cirrhosis, diagnostic standards, preoperative preparation and postoperative rehabilitation. The principles of formation and tactics of maintaining a waiting list for liver transplantation, as well as the technology of surgical intervention, are considered. The identified errors were analyzed and an interdisciplinary approach was proposed in the tactics of perioperative patient management with the participation of surgeons, gastroenterologists, endoscopists, and endovascular surgeons.

For surgeons, gastroenterologists, endovascular surgeons, endoscopists, radiology doctors.

The publication was prepared on the basis of the State Budgetary Institution “Regional Clinical Hospital No. 2”, meets the requirements of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Kuban State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia and the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education in the specialty “Surgery”.

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Дурлештер В., Корочанская Н. (ред.): Хирургическое лечение цирроза печени. Мультидисциплинарный подход. Монография

В монографии представлены алгоритмы периоперационного ведения пациентов с циррозом печени, стандарты диагностики, предоперационной подготовки и послеоперационной реабилитации. Рассмотрены принципы формирования и тактика ведения листа ожидания трансплантации печени, а также технология проведения хирургического вмешательства. Проанализированы выявленные ошибки и предложен междисциплинарный подход в тактике периоперационного ведения пациентов с участием хирургов, гастроэнтерологов, эндоскопистов, эндоваскулярных хирургов.

Для хирургов, гастроэнтерологов, эндоваскулярных хирургов, эндоскопистов, врачей лучевой диагностики.

Издание подготовлено на базе ГБУЗ “Краевая клиническая больница № 2”, соответствует требованиям ФГБОУ ВО КубГМУ Минздрава России и Федерального государственного образовательного стандарта высшего образования по специальности “Хирургия”.

Durleshter V., Korochanskaya N. (eds.): Surgical treatment of liver cirrhosis. Multidisciplinary approach. Monograph

The monograph presents algorithms for the perioperative management of patients with liver cirrhosis, diagnostic standards, preoperative preparation and postoperative rehabilitation. The principles of formation and tactics of maintaining a waiting list for liver transplantation, as well as the technology of surgical intervention, are considered. The identified errors were analyzed and an interdisciplinary approach was proposed in the tactics of perioperative patient management with the participation of surgeons, gastroenterologists, endoscopists, and endovascular surgeons.

For surgeons, gastroenterologists, endovascular surgeons, endoscopists, radiology doctors.

The publication was prepared on the basis of the State Budgetary Institution “Regional Clinical Hospital No. 2”, meets the requirements of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Kuban State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia and the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education in the specialty “Surgery”.

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Дурлештер В., Корочанская Н. (ред.)



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