Дмитриева В., Дроздова Р., Железняк В. и др.: Профилактика стоматологических заболеваний у беременных. Учебное пособие

55,00 $

The birth of a healthy child depends largely on the health of the mother. Previous illnesses, working conditions, and medications taken before and during pregnancy affect the development of the fetus. These and many other questions have not yet been properly reflected in the educational process among both students and doctors. However, this does not mean at all that the dentist should not know them. Many dental procedures in pregnant women (treatment of dental diseases and their complications; diseases of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity) are carried out with the use of anesthesia and require radiological diagnostics and the use of medications. Timely and correct assistance, as well as the prevention of dental diseases, will increase the quality of life of the expectant mother and will certainly have a positive impact on the health of the unborn child. This work is devoted to the peculiarities of treatment and tactics of a dentist.
.The publication is intended for students, cadets and residents of dental faculties of institutes, academies and universities, as well as for students of medical and medical-prophylactic faculties. We hope that this work will be of interest to women themselves – expectant mothers and young parents.

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Дмитриева В., Дроздова Р., Железняк В. и др.: Профилактика стоматологических заболеваний у беременных. Учебное пособие

Рождение здорового ребенка зависит во многом от состояния здоровья матери. Ранее перенесенные заболевания, условия труда, прием лекарственных средств до и в течение беременности влияют на развитие плода. Эти и многие другие вопросы еще не нашли должного отражения в учебном процессе как у студентов, так и у врачей. Однако это совершенно не значит, что врач-стоматолог не должен знать их. Многие стоматологические манипуляции у беременных женщин (лечение заболеваний зубов и их осложнений; заболеваний слизистых оболочек полости рта) проводятся с применением обезболивания, требуют лучевой диагностики и применения лекарственных средств. Своевременно и правильно оказанная помощь, а также профилактика стоматологических заболеваний повысят качество жизни будущей матери и безусловно положительно скажутся на здоровье будущего ребенка. Особенностям лечения и тактике врача-стоматолога посвящена эта работа.
.Издание предназначено для студентов, курсантов и ординаторов стоматологических факультетов институтов, академий и университетов, а также для студентов лечебных и медико-профилактических факультетов. Надеемся, что эта работа будет интересна и самим женщинам — будущим мамам и молодым родителям.

Dmitrieva V., Drozdova R., Zheleznyak V. et al.: Prevention of dental diseases in pregnant women. Tutorial

The birth of a healthy child depends largely on the health of the mother. Previous illnesses, working conditions, and medications taken before and during pregnancy affect the development of the fetus. These and many other questions have not yet been properly reflected in the educational process among both students and doctors. However, this does not mean at all that the dentist should not know them. Many dental procedures in pregnant women (treatment of dental diseases and their complications; diseases of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity) are carried out with the use of anesthesia and require radiological diagnostics and the use of medications. Timely and correct assistance, as well as the prevention of dental diseases, will increase the quality of life of the expectant mother and will certainly have a positive impact on the health of the unborn child. This work is devoted to the peculiarities of treatment and tactics of a dentist.
.The publication is intended for students, cadets and residents of dental faculties of institutes, academies and universities, as well as for students of medical and medical-prophylactic faculties. We hope that this work will be of interest to women themselves – expectant mothers and young parents.

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Дмитриева В., Дроздова Р., Железняк В. и др



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