Даровская О.: Очень личная история. Опыт преодоления: Сборник

66,43 $

This book is about the Experience of Overcoming. Sometimes it’s about being born again. The stories collected in it are a kind of inoculation of courage. Told by parents and children in the first person, they amaze with strength of spirit and boundless love. The book is intended to become a support for families whose children have been diagnosed with cancer; Don’t let yourself despair and succumb to destructive fear. The guiding star of the book was the Sheredar rehabilitation camp in the Vladimir region, founded in 2012. It operates according to international standards of Therapeutic Recreation and accepts children from all Russian regions.

Даровская О.: Очень личная история. Опыт преодоления: Сборник

Эта книга об Опыте Преодоления. Порой — о рождении заново. Собранные в ней истории — своеобразная прививка мужества. Рассказанные родителями и детьми от первого лица, они поражают силой духа и безграничной любовью. Книга призвана стать опорой семьям, чьим детям поставлен онкологический диагноз; не дать отчаяться, поддаться разрушительному страху. Путеводной звездой книги стал реабилитационный лагерь “Шередарь” во Владимирской области, основанный в 2012 году. Он работает по международным стандартам Терапевтической Рекреации (Therapeutic Recreation) и принимает детей из всех российских регионов.

Darovskaya O.: A very personal story. Experience of overcoming: Collection

This book is about the Experience of Overcoming. Sometimes it’s about being born again. The stories collected in it are a kind of inoculation of courage. Told by parents and children in the first person, they amaze with strength of spirit and boundless love. The book is intended to become a support for families whose children have been diagnosed with cancer; Don’t let yourself despair and succumb to destructive fear. The guiding star of the book was the Sheredar rehabilitation camp in the Vladimir region, founded in 2012. It operates according to international standards of Therapeutic Recreation and accepts children from all Russian regions.

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Даровская О



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