Данилов Р.: Цитология (биология клетки). Карманный атлас-справочник

55,00 $

The textbook in the form of an atlas is intended for independent study of the structural and functional organization of cells in tissues.
.Drawings from preparations, tables, electron microphotographs, as well as electronic and light-optical microphotographs of histological preparations are accompanied by a brief summary of the theoretical foundations of cyto- and histology.
.The section “Reference materials. Terms and definitions” contains a list of necessary terms and definitions to facilitate the assimilation of educational material.
The publication is intended for medical students, graduate students and laboratory doctors, clinical cytologists, pathologists, and will also be useful for biology teachers and high school students in secondary schools and gymnasiums.

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Данилов Р.: Цитология (биология клетки). Карманный атлас-справочник

Учебное пособие в виде атласа предназначено для самостоятельного изучения структурно-функциональной организации клеток в составе тканей.
.Рисунки с препаратов, таблиц, электронных микрофотографий, а также электронные и светооптические микрофотографии гистологических препаратов сопровождаются кратким изложением теоретических основ цито- и гистологии.
.В разделе “Справочные материалы. Термины и определения” содержится перечень необходимых терминов и определений для облегчения усвоения учебного материала.
.Издание предназначено для студентов медицинских вузов, аспирантов и врачей-лаборантов, клинических цитологов, патогистологов, также будет полезно для учителей биологии и старшеклассников общеобразовательных школ и гимназий.

Danilov R.: Cytology (cell biology). Pocket atlas reference book

The textbook in the form of an atlas is intended for independent study of the structural and functional organization of cells in tissues.
.Drawings from preparations, tables, electron microphotographs, as well as electronic and light-optical microphotographs of histological preparations are accompanied by a brief summary of the theoretical foundations of cyto- and histology.
.The section “Reference materials. Terms and definitions” contains a list of necessary terms and definitions to facilitate the assimilation of educational material.
The publication is intended for medical students, graduate students and laboratory doctors, clinical cytologists, pathologists, and will also be useful for biology teachers and high school students in secondary schools and gymnasiums.

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Данилов Р



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