Дамиров М., Титова Г., Анчабадзе И., Медведев А.: Внематочная беременность

55,00 $

The monograph outlines modern ideas about the etiology and pathogenesis of ectopic pregnancy. The normal anatomy and physiology of the fallopian tubes, modern terminology and classifications of this disease are presented. Much attention is paid to modern methods of clinical and instrumental diagnosis of this pathology. Modern algorithms for diagnosing and treating patients are shown.
.The results of a comprehensive morphological study of the fallopian tubes during tubal pregnancy made it possible to justify the choice of the scope of surgical treatment in favor of tubectomy.
.The basic principles of conservative and surgical treatment of patients with this pathology are outlined in detail. The possibilities of using hardware blood reinfusion during endosurgical intervention in patients with tubal pregnancy are shown.
.The monograph contains 41 figures, 6 tables; bibliography 196 titles.
.The book is intended for obstetricians and gynecologists, clinical residents, graduate students, students, and family doctors.

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Дамиров М., Титова Г., Анчабадзе И., Медведев А.: Внематочная беременность

В монографии изложены современные представления об этиологии и патогенезе внематочной беременности. Представлена нормальная анатомия и физиология маточных труб, современная терминология и классификации этого заболевания. Большое внимание уделено современным методам клинико-инструментальной диагностики этой патологии. Показаны современные алгоритмы диагностики и лечения больных.
.Результаты комплексного морфологического исследования маточных труб при трубной беременности позволили обосновать выбор объёма оперативного лечения в пользу тубэктомии.
.Подробно изложены основные принципы консервативного и хирургического лечения больных с данной патологией. Показаны возможности применения аппаратной реинфузии крови при эндохирургическом вмешательстве у больных с трубной беременностью.
.В монографии 41 рисунок, 6 таблиц; библиография 196 названий.
.Книга рассчитана на врачей акушеров-гинекологов, клинических ординаторов, аспирантов, студентов, семейных врачей.

Damirov M., Titova G., Anchabadze I., Medvedev A.: Ectopic pregnancy

The monograph outlines modern ideas about the etiology and pathogenesis of ectopic pregnancy. The normal anatomy and physiology of the fallopian tubes, modern terminology and classifications of this disease are presented. Much attention is paid to modern methods of clinical and instrumental diagnosis of this pathology. Modern algorithms for diagnosing and treating patients are shown.
.The results of a comprehensive morphological study of the fallopian tubes during tubal pregnancy made it possible to justify the choice of the scope of surgical treatment in favor of tubectomy.
.The basic principles of conservative and surgical treatment of patients with this pathology are outlined in detail. The possibilities of using hardware blood reinfusion during endosurgical intervention in patients with tubal pregnancy are shown.
.The monograph contains 41 figures, 6 tables; bibliography 196 titles.
.The book is intended for obstetricians and gynecologists, clinical residents, graduate students, students, and family doctors.

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Дамиров М., Титова Г., Анчабадзе И., Медведев А



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