Дамиров М.М.: Кольпоскопия: руководство для врачей

55,00 $

The publication is an illustrated practical guide to colposcopic diagnosis, which sets out the main criteria according to the colposcopic classification adopted at the XIV World Congress of the International Federation of Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology in Rio de Janeiro (2011). The book reflects modern views on the interpretation of colposcopic images in normal conditions and in various pathologies. Colposcopic conclusions are provided for more than 300 diagnosed colpophotographs, as well as their interpretation in accordance with the data of the Bethesda System and the International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision.

The colpophotographs published in the publication are selected in such a way as to clearly show the practitioner the most important and frequently encountered changes in clinical practice, which should be emphasized during colposcopic examination of patients with benign diseases, cervical neoplasia and cervical cancer.

The manual is intended for obstetricians-gynecologists, graduate students, clinical interns, residents, teachers and students of medical universities.

3rd edition, revised and expanded.

SKU: p6613069MEd858 Category:

Дамиров М.М.: Кольпоскопия: руководство для врачей

Издание представляет собой иллюстрированное практическое руководство по кольпоскопической диагностике, в котором изложены основные критерии согласно кольпоскопической классификации, принятой на XIV Всемирном конгрессе Международной федерации по кольпоскопии и цервикальной патологии в Рио-де-Жанейро (2011). В книге отражены современные взгляды на трактовку кольпоскопических картин в норме и при различной патологии. Приведены кольпоскопические заключения по более чем 300 диагностируемым кольпофотографиям, а также их интерпретация в соответствии с данными Bethesda System и Международной классификации болезней 10-го пересмотра.

Опубликованные в издании кольпофотографии подобраны таким образом, чтобы практическому врачу наглядно показать наиболее важные и часто встречающиеся в клинической практике изменения, на которых стоит акцентировать внимание при кольпоскопическом осмотре больных с доброкачественными заболеваниями, цервикальными неоплазиями и раком шейки матки.

Руководство предназначено акушерам-гинекологам, аспирантам, клиническим интернам, ординаторам, преподавателям и студентам медицинских вузов.

3-е издание, переработанное и дополненное.

Damirov M.M.: Colposcopy: a guide for doctors

The publication is an illustrated practical guide to colposcopic diagnosis, which sets out the main criteria according to the colposcopic classification adopted at the XIV World Congress of the International Federation of Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology in Rio de Janeiro (2011). The book reflects modern views on the interpretation of colposcopic images in normal conditions and in various pathologies. Colposcopic conclusions are provided for more than 300 diagnosed colpophotographs, as well as their interpretation in accordance with the data of the Bethesda System and the International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision.

The colpophotographs published in the publication are selected in such a way as to clearly show the practitioner the most important and frequently encountered changes in clinical practice, which should be emphasized during colposcopic examination of patients with benign diseases, cervical neoplasia and cervical cancer.

The manual is intended for obstetricians-gynecologists, graduate students, clinical interns, residents, teachers and students of medical universities.

3rd edition, revised and expanded.

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Дамиров М.М



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