Гогулан М.: Попрощайтесь с болезнями. Методика лечения рака

66,00 $

In order to be healthy, you don’t need much: proper nutrition, a few simple exercises, and attitude. The author of the book, journalist Maya Gogulan, will talk about these components of health. This is the story of a man who himself went through an illness and was able to find a way out. The health system of the Japanese engineer Katsuzo Nishi helped Maya Gogulan get back on her feet, and her books have already helped hundreds of people in our country and abroad get acquainted with this system and also gain health.

In the book you will find a description of Nishi’s exercises, detailed advice on choosing products and diet, recipes for treating certain diseases, tips on maintaining mental health and the right mood. A special chapter of the book is devoted to the healing of cancer patients.

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Гогулан М.: Попрощайтесь с болезнями. Методика лечения рака

Для того чтобы быть здоровым, нужно не так много: правильное питание, несколько простых упражнений, настрой. Именно об этих составляющих здоровья расскажет автор книги – журналист Майя Гогулан. Это рассказ человека, который сам прошел через болезнь и смог найти выход. Система здоровья японского инженера Кацудзо Ниши помогла встать на ноги Майе Гогулан, а ее книги помогли уже сотням людей в нашей стране и за рубежом познакомиться с этой системой и также обрести здоровье.

В книге вы найдете описание упражнений Ниши, подробные советы по подбору продуктов и режиму питания, рецепты лечения некоторых заболеваний, советы по поддержанию психического здоровья и правильного настроя. Особая глава книги посвящена исцелению онкологических больных.

Gogulan M.: Say goodbye to diseases. Cancer treatment method

In order to be healthy, you don’t need much: proper nutrition, a few simple exercises, and attitude. The author of the book, journalist Maya Gogulan, will talk about these components of health. This is the story of a man who himself went through an illness and was able to find a way out. The health system of the Japanese engineer Katsuzo Nishi helped Maya Gogulan get back on her feet, and her books have already helped hundreds of people in our country and abroad get acquainted with this system and also gain health.

In the book you will find a description of Nishi’s exercises, detailed advice on choosing products and diet, recipes for treating certain diseases, tips on maintaining mental health and the right mood. A special chapter of the book is devoted to the healing of cancer patients.

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Гогулан М



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