Внешний вид человека во свете Слова Божия

25,00 $

Appearance is one of those topics that has been most thought about and discussed the most at all times. How long should my hair be? What should my hairstyle be? How long should the skirt be? What should heels be like? Does my handbag match my clothes? Is this suit, dress, shoes still in fashion?.., etc. etc. Why does a person pay so much attention to his appearance? Does he do this for the sake of people or in order to please God? Suppose we knew that throughout the whole day only God and His holy angels would look at us. Would this affect our appearance? If so, how? Does it matter to God what we look like? Does He look at the outward appearance or only at the heart? Is there any connection between a person’s appearance and his attitude towards God? Or, let’s put the question differently, does a person’s internal relationship with God affect his appearance? The answer to all these questions will be: “Yes!” A person’s appearance undoubtedly reflects the state of his heart, in other words, appearance is a mirror image of his internal state person. The Bible says, “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; who will recognize him? (Jer. 17:9). Thank God that He has provided a remedy for the desperately depraved human heart. Those who turn to God experience a change of heart, which also changes the appearance of a person. God speaks a lot about the much discussed issue of human appearance. This is written in the Book of Books – the Bible. One theologian said that there are 1,400 references to clothing in the Bible. Both the Old and New Testaments reflect God’s will regarding human appearance. And God’s will is what we want and are obliged to know. After all, God is our Creator and He will be our final Judge. Therefore, let us be especially attentive to God’s principles and principles of clothing recorded in the Holy Scriptures. Although Christians adhere to New Testament principles in their lives, it should be noted that some of these principles can already be found in the Old Testament. Therefore, the study of this topic must begin with the Old Testament, and in this way we can lay the right foundation for further reasoning.

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Внешний вид человека во свете Слова Божия



Appearance is one of those topics that has been most thought about and discussed the most at all times. How long should my hair be? What should my hairstyle be? How long should the skirt be? What should heels be like? Does my handbag match my clothes? Is this suit, dress, shoes still in fashion?.., etc. etc. Why does a person pay so much attention to his appearance? Does he do this for the sake of people or in order to please God? Suppose we knew that throughout the whole day only God and His holy angels would look at us. Would this affect our appearance? If so, how? Does it matter to God what we look like? Does He look at the outward appearance or only at the heart? Is there any connection between a person’s appearance and his attitude towards God? Or, let’s put the question differently, does a person’s internal relationship with God affect his appearance? The answer to all these questions will be: “Yes!” A person’s appearance undoubtedly reflects the state of his heart, in other words, appearance is a mirror image of his internal state person. The Bible says, “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; who will recognize him? (Jer. 17:9). Thank God that He has provided a remedy for the desperately depraved human heart. Those who turn to God experience a change of heart, which also changes the appearance of a person. God speaks a lot about the much discussed issue of human appearance. This is written in the Book of Books – the Bible. One theologian said that there are 1,400 references to clothing in the Bible. Both the Old and New Testaments reflect God’s will regarding human appearance. And God’s will is what we want and are obliged to know. After all, God is our Creator and He will be our final Judge. Therefore, let us be especially attentive to God’s principles and principles of clothing recorded in the Holy Scriptures. Although Christians adhere to New Testament principles in their lives, it should be noted that some of these principles can already be found in the Old Testament. Therefore, the study of this topic must begin with the Old Testament, and in this way we can lay the right foundation for further reasoning.

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Russian Federation




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