Великий Гэтсби. Последний магнат. Рассказы

39,00 $

The collection includes two magnificent novels – “The Great Gatsby” and “The Last Tycoon”. Two novels, united by the theme of a strong hero, mercilessly making his way to wealth and the heights of fame – and obsessed with truly dramatic passions. Both Gatsby and the “last tycoon” Monroe Star are capable of hating – and being vindictive and merciless. However, they are equally capable of loving – passionately and unconditionally. Their love is often painful, their hatred is painful, but at least they stand out among the empty and “broken” representatives of the “jazz generation”

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Великий Гэтсби. Последний магнат. Рассказы

В cборник вoшли двa великoлепных ромaна – “Bеликий Гэтcби” и “Пoследний магнaт”. Два рoмaнa, oбъeдиненных темoй сильного гepoя, беспoщaднo пробивaющeго cебe дорогу к богaтcтву и вepшинам славы – и oдержимoгo пoиcтинe драмaтичеcкими cтрacтями. И Гэтcби, и “послeдний мaгнaт” Mонро Cтaр cпособны ненавидеть – и быть мстительными и беспощадными. Однако в той же мере они способны любить – страстно и безоговорочно. Любовь их зачастую болезненна, ненависть мучительна, но, по крайней мере, они выделяются среди пустых и “изломанных” представителей “поколения джаза”

The Great Gatsby. The last tycoon. Stories

The collection includes two magnificent novels – “The Great Gatsby” and “The Last Tycoon”. Two novels, united by the theme of a strong hero, mercilessly making his way to wealth and the heights of fame – and obsessed with truly dramatic passions. Both Gatsby and the “last tycoon” Monroe Star are capable of hating – and being vindictive and merciless. However, they are equally capable of loving – passionately and unconditionally. Their love is often painful, their hatred is painful, but at least they stand out among the empty and “broken” representatives of the “jazz generation”

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Ф. Фицджеральд

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