Блюда из яиц

39,00 $

The book brought to your attention contains the most interesting recipes for dishes made from eggs and dishes to which eggs are added. An egg is mainly a protein product. In terms of nutritional value, an egg can be equivalent to 40 g of meat or 200 g of milk. And here’s what else is important: egg whites (and they are also contained in the yolk) are absorbed by the human body by more than 90%. It is no coincidence that they are accepted as a standard of biological usefulness. In addition, a chicken egg contains twelve types of vitamins out of fourteen that are so necessary for us. Therefore, it is recommended more often, if there are no medical contraindications, to introduce this most valuable food product into the daily diet, thereby expanding the consumption of protein and vitamins.

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Блюда из яиц

В предлагаемой Вашему вниманию книге собраны наиболее интересные рецептуры блюд из яиц и блюд, в которые добавлены яйца. Яйцо – это в основном белковый продукт. По питательности яйцо можно приравнять к 40 г мяса или 200 г молока. И вот что еще важно: белки яиц (а они содержатся и в желтке) усваиваются организмом человека более чем на 90%. Не случайно они приняты в качестве эталона биологической полноценности. Кроме того, в курином яйце содержится двенадцать видов витаминов из четырнадцати, так необходимых нам. Поэтому рекомендуется чаще, если нет тому дедицинских противопоказаний, вводить этот ценнейший продукт питания в повседневный рацион, расширяя тем самым потребление белка и витаминов.

Egg dishes

The book brought to your attention contains the most interesting recipes for dishes made from eggs and dishes to which eggs are added. An egg is mainly a protein product. In terms of nutritional value, an egg can be equivalent to 40 g of meat or 200 g of milk. And here’s what else is important: egg whites (and they are also contained in the yolk) are absorbed by the human body by more than 90%. It is no coincidence that they are accepted as a standard of biological usefulness. In addition, a chicken egg contains twelve types of vitamins out of fourteen that are so necessary for us. Therefore, it is recommended more often, if there are no medical contraindications, to introduce this most valuable food product into the daily diet, thereby expanding the consumption of protein and vitamins.

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Ботанин С. Скуратова З. Беркасова В.

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