Бинсвангер Л., Кун Р.: Экзистенциальный анализ

67,56 $

The book outlines the method of personality analysis proposed by Ludwig Binswanger, revealing it in all its completeness and uniqueness of its existence. From a fusion of ideas of Jaspers, Husserl, Heidegger, Sartre, Buber, Kant and other philosophers, Binswanger created a unique theory of existential analysis, a scientific tool with which one can approach a scientific understanding of the “incomprehensible mental life.” Being a conductor of the ideas of Heidegger and Husserl into the space of psychiatry, Binswanger builds an analysis of individual existence on the ontology of abstract Being developed by Heidegger, and sees the task as penetrating through the surface of phenomena into the inner world of the individual, in order to use the phenomenological method to describe the world of a sick person, the world , extremely different from our world. Not to interpret and not to try to interpret rationally, but “to grasp in the integrity and unity of experience the irrational world that is born in the mind of a schizophrenic, a neurotic, a child.” Existential analysis, according to Binswanger, was born to achieve a new scientific understanding of the problems of psychiatry, psychopathology and psychotherapy. For psychologists, psychiatrists, specialists in helping professions, everyone interested in issues of health and illness, norm and pathology, being and nothingness, problems of understanding the inner world of a person.

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Бинсвангер Л., Кун Р.: Экзистенциальный анализ

В книге изложен предложенный Людвигом Бинсвангером метод анализа личности, раскрывающий ее во всей полноте и уникальности ее существования. Из сплава идей Ясперса, Гуссерля, Хайдеггера, Сартра, Бубера, Канта и других философов Бинсвангер создал уникальную теорию экзистенциального анализа, научный инструмент, с помощью которого можно приблизиться к научному пониманию “непостижимой психической жизни”. Будучи проводником идей Хайдеггера и Гуссерля в пространство психиатрии, Бинсвангер строит анализ индивидуального бытия на онтологии абстрактного Бытия, разработанной Хайдеггером, и видит задачу в том, чтобы проникнуть через поверхность феноменов во внутренний мир личности, дабы с помощью феноменологического метода описать мир больного человека, мир, предельно отличный от нашего мира. Не интерпретировать и не пытаться истолковать рационально, а “схватить в целостности и единстве переживания нерациональный мир, рождающийся в сознании шизофреника, невротика, ребенка”. Экзистенциальный анализ, по словам Бинсвангера, рожден, чтобы достичь нового научного понимания проблем психиатрии, психопатологии и психотерапии. Для психологов, психиатров, специалистов помогающих профессий, всех интересующихся вопросами здоровья и болезни, нормы и патологии, бытия и ничто, проблемами понимания внутреннего мира человека.

Binswanger L., Kuhn R.: Existential analysis

The book outlines the method of personality analysis proposed by Ludwig Binswanger, revealing it in all its completeness and uniqueness of its existence. From a fusion of ideas of Jaspers, Husserl, Heidegger, Sartre, Buber, Kant and other philosophers, Binswanger created a unique theory of existential analysis, a scientific tool with which one can approach a scientific understanding of the “incomprehensible mental life.” Being a conductor of the ideas of Heidegger and Husserl into the space of psychiatry, Binswanger builds an analysis of individual existence on the ontology of abstract Being developed by Heidegger, and sees the task as penetrating through the surface of phenomena into the inner world of the individual, in order to use the phenomenological method to describe the world of a sick person, the world , extremely different from our world. Not to interpret and not to try to interpret rationally, but “to grasp in the integrity and unity of experience the irrational world that is born in the mind of a schizophrenic, a neurotic, a child.” Existential analysis, according to Binswanger, was born to achieve a new scientific understanding of the problems of psychiatry, psychopathology and psychotherapy. For psychologists, psychiatrists, specialists in helping professions, everyone interested in issues of health and illness, norm and pathology, being and nothingness, problems of understanding the inner world of a person.

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Бинсвангер Л., Кун Р



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