Астрогор А.: Кармическая медицина. Том 2. В поисках истины. Исповедь болячки

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The book “Karmic Medicine. Volume 2” consists of 2 books: Book 4. “In Search of Truth” This book is a continuation of the “Karmic Medicine” series and tells how and why diseases arise; how a person transfers them from one life to another. In our search for truth, we will touch upon many aspects of a person’s life and his illnesses. The main theme of the book is the chapter on solar and lunar types of people. You will learn about the karma of congenital and acquired diseases, about the karma of mental, spiritual and physical illnesses, about the karma of mental, immune and genetic disorders in the human body. The book introduces the reader to the divine and parallel worlds that affect our health. Doctors and psychologists, traditional healers and everyone who deals with human problems will find in this book explanations for many mysterious phenomena in human life and illnesses. This book is for us to see. It creates clarity of consciousness, transparency and awakening of thoughts. Book 5. “Confession of a Sore.” One day, Mother Sick gathered all the diseases to a congress so that they could talk about themselves, about the reasons for their true occurrence. And the sores happily talked about why they fell in love with a particular person, why they liked him and why they didn’t want to leave him. How does a disease arise, how does it find a convenient place for itself in the human body, what lesson does it give to its carrier, what does it want to tell, what to teach? This book talks about all this and much more related to eternal health problems. In addition, she teaches how to get rid of diseases using minimal external help. The book is intended for those who are sick, for those who heal, and for those who do not want to get sick. Be healthy!

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Астрогор А.: Кармическая медицина. Том 2. В поисках истины. Исповедь болячки

Книга “Кармическая медицина. Том 2” состоит из 2-х книг: Книга 4. “В поисках истины” Эта книга является продолжением серии “Кармическая медицина” и рассказывает л том, как и почему возникают болезни; как человек переносит их из одной жизни в другую. В поисках истины мы коснёмся многих сторон жизни человека и его болезней. Главной темой книги является глава о солнечных и лунных типах людей. Вы узнаете о карме врождённых и приобретённых заболеваний, о карме душевных, духовных и телесных болезней, о карме психических, иммунных и генетических нарушений в организме человека. Книга знакомит читателя с божественным и параллельным мирами, которые влияют на наше здоровье. Медики и психологи, народные целители и все, кто занимается проблемами человека, найдут в этой книге объяснения многим загадочным явлениям в жизни и болезням человека. Эта книга для того, чтобы мы могли видеть. Она творит ясность сознания, прозрачность и пробуждение мысли.Книга 5. “Исповедь болячки”. Однажды Мама-болячка собрала все болезни на конгресс, чтобы они могли рассказать о себе, о причинах своего истинного возникновения. И болячки с удовольствием рассказывали о том, за что полюбили конкретного человека, чем он им приглянулся и почему они не хотят от него уйти. Как возникает болезнь, как она находит удобное для себя место в теле человека, какой урок она даёт своему носителю, о чём она хочет рассказать, чему научить? Обо всём этом и многом другом, связанным с вечными проблемами здоровья рассказывает эта книга. Кроме того, она учит и тому, как избавиться от болезней, минимально используя внешнюю помощь. Книга рассчитана на тех, кто болеет, на тех, кто лечит, и тех, кто не хочет болеть. Будьте здоровы!

Astrogor A.: Karmic medicine. Volume 2. In search of truth. Confession of a sore

The book “Karmic Medicine. Volume 2” consists of 2 books: Book 4. “In Search of Truth” This book is a continuation of the “Karmic Medicine” series and tells how and why diseases arise; how a person transfers them from one life to another. In our search for truth, we will touch upon many aspects of a person’s life and his illnesses. The main theme of the book is the chapter on solar and lunar types of people. You will learn about the karma of congenital and acquired diseases, about the karma of mental, spiritual and physical illnesses, about the karma of mental, immune and genetic disorders in the human body. The book introduces the reader to the divine and parallel worlds that affect our health. Doctors and psychologists, traditional healers and everyone who deals with human problems will find in this book explanations for many mysterious phenomena in human life and illnesses. This book is for us to see. It creates clarity of consciousness, transparency and awakening of thoughts. Book 5. “Confession of a Sore.” One day, Mother Sick gathered all the diseases to a congress so that they could talk about themselves, about the reasons for their true occurrence. And the sores happily talked about why they fell in love with a particular person, why they liked him and why they didn’t want to leave him. How does a disease arise, how does it find a convenient place for itself in the human body, what lesson does it give to its carrier, what does it want to tell, what to teach? This book talks about all this and much more related to eternal health problems. In addition, she teaches how to get rid of diseases using minimal external help. The book is intended for those who are sick, for those who heal, and for those who do not want to get sick. Be healthy!

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Астрогор А



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