Азим-мл. Х.А., Демистер И. и др. (ред.): Женская фертильность. Проблемы и их решения у онкопациенток

55,00 $

Attempts to preserve fertility in cancer patients have a history of more than half a century, but this problem has become most acute in the last 15–20 years. On the one hand, this is due to an increase in the number of young patients who have undergone treatment for a malignant process, on the other hand, with the accumulation of clinical experience and the development of organ-preserving technologies in antitumor therapy.

It is also important that modern fundamental oncology expanded the boundaries of our understanding of prognosis, which has a beneficial effect on the quality and frequency of positive decisions regarding fertility in cancer patients. However, much remains to be done to solve this problem. On the agenda is the development of technologies for preserving the ovarian reserve, especially with systemic options for antitumor therapy, the safety of pregnancy in genetically determined oncological processes, options for ovarian stimulation in hormonally sensitive cancers, etc.

Organizational and legal issues also require attention Aspects. It has long been clear that only multidisciplinary approaches (oncologist, obstetrician-gynecologist, reproductive specialist, neonatologist, embryologist) and multidisciplinary research can most fully cover and solve this problem. The book provides the most up-to-date information on various aspects of fertility in cancer patients and is intended for a wide range of doctors, lawyers, and sociologists.

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Азим-мл. Х.А., Демистер И. и др. (ред.): Женская фертильность. Проблемы и их решения у онкопациенток

Попытки сохранения фертильности у онкологических больных имеют более чем полувековую историю, но наиболее острой эта проблема стала в последние 15–20 лет. С одной стороны, это связано с увеличением числа больных молодого возраста, перенесших лечение по поводу злокачественного процесса, с другой — с накоплением клинического опыта и развитием органосохраняющих технологий в противоопухолевой терапии.

Немаловажно и то, что современная фундаментальная онкология расширила границы нашего понимания прогноза, что благоприятно повлияло на качество и частоту положительных решений в отношении фертильности у онкологических больных. Однако для решения этой проблемы предстоит еще очень многое сделать. На повестке дня развитие технологий сохранения овариального резерва, особенно при системных вариантах противоопухолевой терапии, безопасность беременности при генетически детерминированных онкологических процессах, варианты стимуляции яичников при гормонально-чувствительных раках и т.д.

Требуют внимания и организационно-правовые аспекты. Уже давно понятно, что только мультидисциплинарные подходы (онколог, акушер-гинеколог, репродуктолог, неонатолог, эмбриолог) и мультидисциплинарные исследования способны наиболее полно охватить и решать эту проблему. Книга дает самую современную информацию по различным аспектам фертильности у онкологических больных и предназначена для широкого круга врачей, юристов, социологов.

Azim Jr. H.A., Demister I. et al. (eds.): Female Fertility. Problems and solutions for cancer patients

Attempts to preserve fertility in cancer patients have a history of more than half a century, but this problem has become most acute in the last 15–20 years. On the one hand, this is due to an increase in the number of young patients who have undergone treatment for a malignant process, on the other hand, with the accumulation of clinical experience and the development of organ-preserving technologies in antitumor therapy.

It is also important that modern fundamental oncology expanded the boundaries of our understanding of prognosis, which has a beneficial effect on the quality and frequency of positive decisions regarding fertility in cancer patients. However, much remains to be done to solve this problem. On the agenda is the development of technologies for preserving the ovarian reserve, especially with systemic options for antitumor therapy, the safety of pregnancy in genetically determined oncological processes, options for ovarian stimulation in hormonally sensitive cancers, etc.

Organizational and legal issues also require attention Aspects. It has long been clear that only multidisciplinary approaches (oncologist, obstetrician-gynecologist, reproductive specialist, neonatologist, embryologist) and multidisciplinary research can most fully cover and solve this problem. The book provides the most up-to-date information on various aspects of fertility in cancer patients and is intended for a wide range of doctors, lawyers, and sociologists.

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Азим-мл. Х.А., Демистер И. и др. (ред.)



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